You may be miles away from home so make sure you prepare for your camping or hiking trip. Once you go on a camping trip, you will be able to think about nature and how to protect and preserve the beautiful sites that you will see while camping.
There are some basic preparation and precautions to take when planning a hike. The more people who are along for the hike, the more likely it is you will all return home safely. Campfires can burnout from rain, needs wood every now and then to maintain, the heat cannot be adjusted and it can even cause accidents by burning linens or tents.
Some extra food and water is just as important so stock up before you leave and replenish your stock at every point of civilization. Your first aid kit should contain essentials to tide you over in any case of any injury or illness, whether it is a cuts and bruises or stomach-aches and headaches. Learn to recognize and remember landmarks and while hiking try to familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
You will need to keep your food and water as long as possible, so start looking for food and water sources right away, and do not be shy about setting up camp by making a shelter and covering it with your bright clothing. To be honest, on a short hike you can get by with almost any types of shoes or boots. Depending on where you are going and how far you are hiking, you may be quite comfortable in a three-season tent.
Now go and sit around a crackling, warm campfire and sing some songs. When winter camping make sure to bring food that may be eaten without heating up.