Mountain climbing locations vary in altitude but many of them are in of sub zero temperatures. I have been doing outdoor activities like rock climbing and hiking for years.
Camping flashlights today are no longer secondary to bonfires as it has been drastically modified to provide the same functions with lesser risks. It is always better to go on a short trip to begin with, just to get the feel of the camping experience. If you have never picked out outdoor camping gear before, you will probably be dazzled by the variety of options.
For these pursuits, you will need a survival knife or a folding pocket knife. I got a very well made tent that was certified for Arctic conditions. Water purification tablets are a must on any camping trips.
There are even sites which allow you to plan for your next rock climbing day trip. The climbers are required to wear safety equipment that does nothing to make the climb easier, but provides protection from falls. You may need to find a dead tree, a piece of driftwood or a large chunk someone else had and couldn't cut up for firewood.
Like everything that you buy, a flashlight too must be purchased keeping all your requirements in mind. Try to bring as much bottled water with you as possible.
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